Well, the journey has begun! Day 1 was a real blur at times, primarily because I couldn’t sleep on the plane so I’ve been up for the past 35 hours. But even with it being a blur it’s been very encouraging to see little tidbits along the way, revealing just a fraction of what God had planned for us on this trip.
We touched down around 9am Israeli time and I was confronted with the strangest feeling. I did not step off the plane with the same excitement or curiosity that did on my first trip, instead I simply felt comfortable and at home. It wasn’t the thrill of a new country wearing off, but sense of assuredness that I was where I was supposed to be.
We checked into our very lovely hotel that sits atop a hill, overlooking the surrounding scenery, and joined many of our friends in a time of prayer and intercession. Afterwards I had the opportunity to join many of the youth from the Israel World Gathering in a time of worship, sharing, and declaration. In both of these instances a strong heart for a unified bride echoed loudly.
I would love to write more, but I can barely see straight. Time for sleep. Finally.