It’s been a very jam packed day.
We visited Tel Meggido this morning, an ancient city that has been rebuilt about 25 times over thoudands of years. It’s a very unique place to see, not only because of its deep, deep history, but of it’s future. Meggido is prophesied to be the location of where the final battle of Armageddon is to take place. I’ll leave you to choose what you want to believe in that area.
Aloe Vera at Meggido
I think I got some really nice photos while we were there and can’t wait to look at them when I get home. Amongst those photos include a very photogenic lizard of sorts…
Lunch was spent at Nazareth village where we ate some really really good food, similar to what they would have eaten in the first century. We also toured the village to explore other living conditions of the first century.
My favourite part of the day was visiting Caesaria in the afternoon. Caesaria is a large roman fortress/city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, built by King Herod back in the day. It’s a sight that I was not able to visit the last time I was in Israel and it has always striked my curiosity since. It’s amazing how much can of an old city and still be standing 2000 years later.
The theatre at Caesaria
The Coast of Caesaria
The Mediterranean through the Aqua Duct
We returned to the hotel just in time for a quick dinner and then left to visit the Nazareth House Of Prayer and Exploits (HOPE). It was so nice to visit again after two years and have the chance to minister with them.
Now. Sleep.