Dad and Mom
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
In my personal studies of late I have been researching honour and it’s importance within society and within a biblical model. As well, in my reading I was prompted by the question; How do you see characteristics of God within your parents?
It was a slightly perplexing question at first, but as I began to read more I came to the understanding/realization of the role that parents play in forming our perspective of who God is. See, God puts parents in our lives to reflect various attributes of who he is, and give us a better understanding of how he sees us and those around us, and often times our upbringings can have a very strong influence of how we perceive God and his character.
So, as I am in the process of studying honour, I thought it fitting to honour my parents by recording some of the biblical characteristics of God that I see reflected in their lives. Also, with us being in the North American season of Mother’s Day and Father’s day, I felt it fitting to release this on the 31st of May, the middle date between these two holidays, as to honour them both at the same time.
Let’s begin.
Love 1 John 4:8
Ok, so this one may seem like a given, but in my experience over the years working with children I cannot stress enough how important this is. Without some form of loving parental figure in someone’s life, things just fall apart. So to be able to say that my parents love me, especially unconditionally and self sacrificially, is a great privilege of which I do not take lightly.
Provider Phillipians 4:19
There has not been a time in my life where I have not had a roof over my head, clothes to wear and food in my stomach. It is something that I know my parents have gone to great lengths to ensure, especially my father.
Encourager Romans 15:5-6
I have been blessed to have a Mother and Father who continually cheer me on and encourage me in any endeavour I pursue and any dream I may have. Be it the desire to become an astronaut on mars or an Oscar winning filmmaker they rooted me on the whole way up to my inevitable change in career plans, every, single time. They made every effort to be there for my sporting events, music performances and award ceremonies and I cannot thank them enough.
Refuge Psalm 57:1
It may be an odd concept to some, but our front door has always been open growing up. I have admired my Parents willingness over the years to welcome in anyone who is in need, be it a couch to crash on or some late night counsel, they are always ready to respond with open arms and a caring heart, especially my mother. It takes a lot of sacrifice to be so ready to respond whenever the need arises. They’ve created a safe environment that I can always feel I can return to no matter what is going on in my life, and it is something I’m incredibly proud of my parents for.
Gracious & Forgiving Col 3:13
Let’s be honest. I was a real brat going up, and as much as I was corrected for my misbehaviour, there was a lot I got away with, and no matter how badly I might have screwed up there was always an assurance that my parents still loved me.
Father to the Fatherless Psalm 68:5
Between leading a church and fostering, my parents have become Mother and Father figures to many people who are not biologically theirs, and have given them much of the same attention and care that they give their own children. It is another trait that I have found incredibly encouraging to see them step out in, and grow in through the years.
Creator Genesis 1:27
Have you seen how many kids they have?
Shepherd Isaiah 40:11
Many times have I seen my parents late at night, or during the day, talking on the phone or making home visits to those who need help, guidance, or simply a friend. It is this self sacrificial love towards those around them that so accurately reflects the role and characteristics of the Shepherd. Doing their very best to ensure every member of their flock is looked after, and willing to go well out of their way to do so. It is a trait that I wish more people in the world had these days, and my parents have done an amazing job at modelling it for me and those around them.
Comforter 2 Cor 1:3
I see the trait of comforter a lot in my Mother as she interacts with my younger siblings. In the chaos of a big family someone is bound to hurt themselves or get upset on a nearly daily basis, and when the situation arises my Mother is continually there to comfort whichever kid has dinged themselves up that time.
Generous Ephesians 1:7-8
My Parents are continually generous with their time and possessions, helping make sure the needs of those around them are met and always ensuring there is an extra spot at the dinner table. My Dad in particular likes to spoil us with trips, and movies, while my Mom has a habit of finding things she thinks I might need when out and about and grabbing them for me. She also mailed me a bunch of allergy meds to Australia which have saved me a lot of grief here.
These are just some of the many traits that I admire within my parents. In modelling these traits they have not only led by example for me and many others, but have spent countless hours intentionally instilling solid values in me and those they raise. And although they may not always be perfect and make mistakes, they are pretty darn great at what they do.
So, Mom and Dad,
Thank You.
“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, <span class="crossreference" data-cr="#cen-ESV-29325A" data-link="(A)” style=”box-sizing: border-box; font-family: “helvetica neue” , “verdana” , “helvetica” , “arial” , sans-serif; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; top: 0px; vertical-align: top;”>but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” Ephesians 6:4